5 WaysTo Continue Education – Without Tests!

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“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” Henry Ford

While quickly approaching my early graduation date of December 2017, I am eager to continue a path of daily education. Fortunately, this no longer amounts to class readings, midterms, and cramming for finals. I intend to develop a daily routine to stay informed with the world around me that I will actually enjoy. My process consists of exploring 5 different resources both when I wake up and before bed each night.


My Daily Information Process:

  1. Google News:

First, I think it is important to keep up-to-date with the daily national news. Google News easily syncs up with my computer and phone. It can be personalized so I would be able to focus each day on the major headlines. In college, a majority of my news comes from students or professors in class. While entering the real “adult world”, I believe it is up to me to stay informed. Source website: (https://news.google.com/)


  1. Books:

I have always been an avid reader. Unfortunately, college has consisted of enough readings and assignments to keep my free time occupied. I currently have a bookshelf in my room that holds manyof the books I have read in the last few years. A personal goal of mine is to fill this shelf to capacity with even more books. Each night, I would love to spend at least 30 minutes of reading before bed. I have included an article with must-read books that are first on my list.

Article: (Business Insider – 35 Books You Must Read In Your Lifetime)


  1. LinkedIn feed:

Although I have 500+ connections, I am not as advanced as LinkedIn gives me credit for. My LinkedIn feed is full of interesting articles, blogs, news, and relevant business information to take advantage of. Each morning, it is important for me to spend a few minutes scrolling through my updates on LinkedIn. This would include reading, commenting, or responding to anything that interests me on my feed.


  1. Sports website:

To stay up-to-date on the industry I will be working in, I will check the sports headlines daily. If I continue to work with Fox Sports come graduation, checking their own website would allow me to not just understand my position, but be familiar with the whole company, and the important updates before work each day.

Source Website: (http://www.foxsports.com/)


  1. Quote journal:

In my sophomore year at LMU, I began keeping a quote journal. This journal is filled with my favorite inspirational quotes that I have come across in the past few years. Reading through this journal has served as a way to re-set my mind after a busy or stressful day. Continuing to write and read through this journal everyday would be very beneficial for me.


While college might be coming to an end, the real “adult world” holds a promising future of a continuing education.

By: Emily Mullett